Why Creation Science Fails

This must seem a strange title for an article on a creationist website. However, the issue here is not with the science, which is ever more strongly behind the existence of an intelligent Creator and a recent Creation, but with other factors that have far more impact on popular thinking. (If you are not convinced that evolution is fake science, please spend some time studying the science links in the Menu. Also two introductory articles on this site – see end of article.) There are at least five powerful reasons why Creation Science fails and will continue to do so.

1 The media consistently portrays evolution as an established scientific fact supported by ever-increasing amounts of “evidence”. If you were to watch TV solidly for ten years you would be exposed to thousands of positive references to evolution, but would probably not see even one fair reference to Creation.

2 The education system also teaches evolution as fact, which impacts children especially in the High School years. Only a tiny handful of pupils escape this through homeschooling or whatever, but even in those cases any creationist understanding they receive rarely survives the buffeting from mainstream evolutionism much beyond their teens.

3 The churches support evolutionTheir support is perhaps the greatest asset the evolution promoters have. Intuitively, people feel that if there were even just a scrap of evidence somewhere that evolution were not true, the churches would be shouting it from the rooftops. The fact that one almost never hears churches objecting to evolution provides people with what is entirely lacking in the science: that is, evidence for evolution! The role of the churches in maintaining belief in evolution can never be overstated; the nearest churches ever get to Creation Science is normally Creation Silence.

4 People do not understand science. Even worse than simply not understanding it, they imagine that they do. This is partly because we live in a highly technological society, and people use technology every day. They think using technology makes them “scientific”; but the relationship between science and technology is essentially the same as that between a cow and its milk. You don’t have to understand biology or agriculture to drink milk; and you don’t have to understand science to use the technology it creates. All that most people have is an unfounded, and therefore self-deceiving, belief in their own scientific understanding. Further, when it comes to things like the Periodic Table or the Second Law of Thermodynamics, both of which are absolutely fundamental to any rounded understanding of how the Universe works, most people’s minds are a virtual blank. Further still, when it comes to understanding what does or does not constitute valid scientific evidence, the necessary knowledge, for the vast majority, is completely missing. This is not necessarily their fault; the fault lies primarily with the education system and those who run it. But whatever the reason, the result is that trying to change people’s minds with science is mostly a non-starter. They don’t understand the arguments and cannot retain them.

5 Most people have a deep internal bias in favour of evolution, because the obvious alternative is a Creator God to whom they would naturally owe some responsibility. “The fool says in his heart ‘There is no God’”. And there is no lack of foolishness out there. Whatever powers of reasoning people do actually possess, they don’t want to use them if that may lead to a conclusion they don’t like.

So, in summary, Creation Science faces all the barriers posed by people’s educational conditioning, the illusions spun by the media, the false witness of the churches, people’s lack of comprehension of science, and their unwillingness to accept the truth.

If this analysis does not make the impossibility of success clear, then it is well to consider some of the history. Firstly, Darwin’s famous book, “The Origin of Species”, is mainly a set of excuses for, and acknowledgements of, the lack of evidence for his theory. The fact that it was so rapidly adopted is proof that it has a perverse following wind, more accurately perhaps a following gale; something that Creation Science spectacularly lacks. That lack of any following wind for Creation is demonstrated by the fact that the Evolution Protest Movement, set up in the 1930’s, and presided over by none other than Sir Ambrose Fleming, the Father of modern electronics, made no progress. Also, it is now almost sixty years since the publication of Whitcomb and Morris’s tome “The Genesis Flood”. This book was and is scientifically streets ahead of Darwin’s convoluted reasoning; and every single church leader, every bible college lecturer, every allegedly Christian author active today, has lived his or her entire life of church leadership while that book has been available. Yet most people, be they atheists, churchgoers or anything else, have never even heard of it, or its evidence, or its conclusions. To call this a “lack of progress” would be charitable. It is actually decades of failure, with the same dynamics that caused such a failure still firmly in place today.

This is not a happy conclusion, but it’s the reality, and we are always better off facing the truth than pretending things are otherwise. The only possibility for progress is for Christians who understand Creation to do what they can personally. This means knowing some science themselves, and having some internet references to hand, which may convince a few. And it means using that information to draw people to the Gospel of Christ and a relationship with Him; not using it to draw people into any particular Church, or Calvinism, or Christian Zionism, or anything else. However, even with the best efforts and intentions, given the problems outlined above, any progress will be slow at best.

(Evolution articles on this site are Darwin Exposes Himself, Darwinian Evolution is Bunk and Geology: The Rocks Cry Out. Also see links to many other science sites here.)

Darwinian Evolution is Bunk

Darwinian Evolution is fatally flawed. It contravenes the Second Law of Thermodynamics. It claims that information on DNA comes about by chance. It assumes that simple atoms spontaneously combine to make the hyper-complex chemicals of life. It ignores the “innumerable intermediate forms” missing from the Fossil Record. (Something Darwin himself stated, before “solving” the problem by a leap of blind faith*.) It ignores the fact that intermediate forms would, by definition, not be the fittest to survive, and would perish if they ever managed to exist. It denies Irreducible Complexity. It claims Natural Selection as an original, creative process even though the name tells us it’s merely a Selection Mechanism. It continues to pretend that Darwin’s “Simple Cell”, which he could only see under a simple light microscope, really is simple, in spite of modern science showing that even just the Proton Engine within the Mitochondria is a masterpiece of nano-engineering. Unlike proper science, it is not underpinned with precise mathematical formulae. It is nothing more than a hotchpotch of assumptions and imaginations backed by imaginary reams of evidence. Evidence which nobody can ever quote, always making the excuse that “I’m not a scientist”. Or in the case of a scientist “I’m not an evolution scientist”. Evolution Theory contributes nothing to real science. Its role is to provide a comfort blanket for atheists, and a platform to attack the Bible and Christianity.

Why is nobody prepared to spend even a few hours out of their entire life to check the truth of the statements above? Laziness? Pride in what they think they already know? Fear of what they will discover? There is no easy way to say this: Darwinian Evolution is the most stupid, convoluted piece of circular argument in the history of philosophy. It is bogus science. Anyone who bases their life on it is committing the worst act of folly imaginable.

Promoting Creation Science is not the main purpose of this site; it exists to expose the Churches as the sick surrogate for Christianity they really are. But we provide here plenty of resources for people to research this vital issue. We advise, beg and implore people to thoroughly rethink what they believe.

*See Origin of Species Chapter 6 “ I believe the answer mainly lies in the record being incomparably less perfect than is generally supposed.”

See also Darwin Exposes Himself and Science Page.

Why Does Evolution Stick, When it Stinks?

The title here makes evolution sound like something unwanted that got stuck on your shoe, which is not so far from the truth. But the serious question is this:  why is evolution a core belief – possibly the core belief – of people in the UK, including most church-goers? It’s a little hard to understand when the scientific evidence behind it is so deficient. However, there are reasons for evolution’s capture of the popular imagination, which are discussed in the articles at the end of this post.

For those not clear that evolution is false, we offer three articles on this site and a large number of links to Creation Science resources:

Darwinian Evolution is Bunk

Darwin Exposes Himself!

Geology: The Rocks Really do Cry Out!

Science Page

And reasons why evolution sticks:

Why Creation Science Fails

Evolution Page

All Geologists Know that Fossil Formation is VERY FAST . . . .

Forty years after University, most of us don’t remember much detail from our lectures. But for me one memory has stuck fast to this day. Like everyone, I was taught Uniformitarian Geology. This is standard, mainstream geology, which says that everything happens very, very slowly over millions of years. As an atheist at that time I had absolutely no reason to doubt it, and it was never mentioned that there has always been an alternative view of geological processes.

One day, in a lecture, the speaker said “The very odd thing is that fossil formation is extremely rapid!” There was no lead-up to this statement, and I sat bolt upright in my seat waiting for what would come next. I’ve always loved learning, and had a half-formed theory that we only really learn when we are surprised; everything else is just more (boring) detail on the framework of what we already know. However, my excitement was short lived, as the lecturer went back to whatever else he was saying, leaving his statement hanging in the air. He wasn’t the sort of man you addressed questions to, so the statement got firmly lodged in my brain, awaiting an explanation.

The explanation is actually rather obvious. Millions of creatures die every day, but they don’t get fossilised. They rot. In order to be become a fossil, an organism must be killed and preserved instantly. This normally involves some kind of catastrophic burial in water and sediment, or volcanic ash. And this process provides the name of the alternative to Uniformitarianism: Catastrophism; a name and a way of thinking that was kept hidden from us at University. What lay behind that lecturer’s sudden, solitary comment? A lapse of concentration? Guilt?

Among the fossils, the most stunning manifestations of catastrophic burial are the “Death Pose Dinosaurs”:

They are found in many parts of the World, and show the classic, gasping, arched-back pose due to lack of oxygen. This pose would not be maintained for long, as death would shortly intervene and the muscles would then relax. The envelopment of these animals that made preservation possible must have been virtually instant. For other fossils, the vast majority of which are marine species, the simple fact of their preservation demonstrates rapid burial and preservation.

If fossils are formed instantly, clearly the rocks in which they are fossilised must also be formed instantly/catastrophically. One can at least understand why the lecturer did not want to delve into an “anomaly” that disproved his entire Uniformitarian Theory!

See also Failed Cup of Coffee Shows Crucial Dynamic in Geology.

GEOLOGY: The Rocks Really do Cry Out!

You will find a link below to a very short video (fourteen minutes) made by French geologist Guy Berthault over twenty years ago. Part of its significance is that it brings repeatable laboratory experiments to Geology, a science that is mainly reduced to forensic science. Forensic science, which we normally associate with crime, is science done after the event. It inevitably involves conjecture, and can never have the reliability of true science, which is entirely based on repeatable experiments. The video looks at the formation of sedimentary rock, the rock that makes up 75% of the Earth’s Crust. Sedimentary rock commonly exhibits coarse or fine stratification, also called lamination or simply stripes. This can be seen on a small scale in a single piece of rock, or on a large scale in a cliff or mountainside.

The key question about sedimentary rock is how those lines form. The standard explanation is that each line or layer is laid down separately over huge periods of time, eventually building up to several miles of thickness of rock in the Earth’s Crust. The insurmountable problem with this theory is that at all times during this supposed long period there is an exposed soft surface. This soft surface will suffer action from plants, animals, rain, frost heave, water currents or anything else happening on that surface, and therefore the neat lines will be disturbed. This standard explanation is therefore untenable. What Guy Berthault’s experiments show is that this stratification happens instantly, giving a totally opposite understanding to the standard theory. The only common ground between the two views is that the vast majority of sedimentary rocks are laid down in water. Take a little time (14 minutes) to watch the video:

The image below is the key takeaway from the video. You have now seen clearly how stratification happens instantly.

In addition to the experimental evidence, rapid formation of stratified sedimentary rock has also been observed at the site of the Mount St Helen’s Volcanic eruption in Washington State in 1980. The eruption is sometimes called “God’s Gift to Creationists” due to the clarity with which it demonstrates this.

For the big picture here, we should look at something vast like the Grand Canyon:

Here you can see sedimentary rock layers that were laid down in water, over a mile deep and extending over hundreds of miles. Globally, geologists see the same rock layers extending half way round the Earth. (These layers have been named as Jurassic, Carboniferous, etc, by Uniformitarian Geologists, who think they were formed extremely slowly during different ages.) When you add to that the fact of spontaneous stratification it should be apparent that the rocks are indeed crying out, but not about millions of years. They are testimony to a massive global flood. Jesus said that if people keep quiet, the rocks will cry out.

See more information on Mount St Helen’s and other Creation/Evolution issues see the Creation Science sites listed  here. When you have time, a good video both for revision and first-time exposure to Creation Science is the One Hundred Reasons Evolution is Stupid video, or the less humorous but more heavily scientific Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels film – three minute trailer here. Full film on the Science Page here.