This experiment was carried out in 1887 by Albert Michelson and Edward Morley. Michelson is known, among other things, for a remarkably accurate measurement of the speed of light in 1879, winning the Nobel Prize in 1907, and inventing the interferometer. His experiment with Morley was designed to prove the existence of the Ether. Since waves in water need a medium to move in (water) and sound waves do as well (air), it is logical that light also needs a medium to move in. This is particularly so because waves behave in exactly the same fashion. This is true whether they are sound waves, light waves, water waves, radio waves, or any other kind of wave. And light waves move even in a vacuum, so the case for an otherwise undetectable medium that light waves travel through was, and is, very strong.

Simple.wikipedia.org describes the experiment in this way: (They use “aether” rather than Ether.)

The Earth travels very quickly (more than 100,000 km per hour) around the Sun. If aether exists, the Earth moving through it would cause a “wind” in the same way that there seems to be a wind outside a moving car. To a person in the car, the air outside the car would seem like a moving substance. In the same way, aether should seem like a moving substance to things on Earth.

Their experiment was designed to measure the speed and direction of the “aether wind” by measuring the difference between the speed of light travelling in different directions. It measured this difference by shining a beam of light into a mirror that was only partially coated in silver. Part of the beam would be reflected one way, and the rest would go the other. Those two parts would then be reflected back to where they were split apart, and recombined. By looking at interference patterns in the recombined beam of light, any changes in speed because of the aether wind could be seen.

The experiment produced a “null result”. This was a disappointment to Michelson, since he was sure of the existence of the Ether, and even after this experiment he continued to research it. Many other scientists, notably Einstein, took the result as proof that the Ether did not exist. Michelson remained interested in the other possibilities suggested by his result. One was that the Ether near the Earth was dragged along by it. The other was that the Earth was not orbiting the Sun.


An interferometer is a device in which light waves (or other waves, such as radio waves) are superimposed on each other. This superimpostion may cause an interference pattern which can be viewed on a screen, and information can be derived from the nature of the pattern.

If that sounds like heavy physics, read on. It gets easier!

The Interferometer was invented by Albert Michelson for his 1887 experiment. Michelson, a winner of the Nobel Prize, is a name you will become familiar with as you investigate Geocentrism. The problem he had to deal with was how to measure variations in the speed of light rays which had only travelled very short distances. As we all know, light travels incredibly fast, so the only way to do this was to look at how the two waves interfered with each other when viewed together on a screen. He would see images like these:

There’s no need to go any deeper into the science. Wikipedia says:

Interferometers are widely used in science and industry for the measurement of small displacements, refractive index changes and surface irregularities.

And a Google image search of waves interfering with one another brings up countless images like these:

The key point here is that waves do not behave in random ways. If you have ever watched sea waves passing around a rock, or a harbour wall, you may have had the impression of arbitrary motion. But even in that situation, if you watch carefully, you will see definite order in the way they interact. This is the basis of interferometry. It is not necessary to know more detail. Interferometry is well-understood, non-controversial, extremely useful in both industry and scientific research, and was given to the World by Albert Michelson well over a century ago.


The Phlogiston Theory is well past its sell-by date, but has relevance to all of science now. The Phlogiston Theory held sway for about a hundred years, until Lavoisier produced the Oxygen Theory of combustion, which is standard science today. The Phlogiston Theory explained combustion through a substance called Phlogiston that was contained in all combustible materials. Scientists thought that as materials burned the Phlogiston was given off into the air, but with a limited air supply combustion would eventually cease. This was because air had a limited capacity to absorb Phlogiston; when it was completely phlogisticated it would no longer support combustion. When oxygen was first discovered it was called dephlogisticated air because it supported combustion far more effectively. It was assumed that the regular amount of Phlogiston held in the air had been removed, so its absorbent capacity had been increased.

The significant point about this theory is that it was completely off the wall scientifically, yet capable of accurate prediction and proof by experiment. Limited knowledge can produce practical, “provable” science while being totally wrong. The relevance to Cosmology today is that even though a theory can explain observations, it may also be totally wrong. This, of course, could apply to Geocentrism, but equally might apply to Relativity, Big Bang and anything else. But there is a difference between the Phlogiston/Oxygen debate of yesterday and today’s disagreements over Cosmology. With Phlogiston/Oxygen there was simply a desire to increase understanding; there would inevitably be an “Old Guard” defending the established view, but beyond that there were no big agendas. Today there is the problem that accepting Geocentrism is no different to accepting the existence of a Creator. That means there is a huge cultural and philosophical bias towards explanations which point away from God.

We need to be clear that in science, especially at the edge of current knowledge, two or more explanations of a phenomenon may exist. In science today it is invariably a godless explanation that is chosen, and then propagated through the Universities, schools, media, Wikipedia and internet. However, good science has never been about numbers or who can shout loudest. It’s about evidence, and also about fair assessment of that evidence.


Ockham’s Razor has nothing to do with shaving. It is a principle used in problem solving. The first part of the name comes from its attribution to a Monk, William of Ockham, who lived around thirteen hundred. The second part is because the principle involves cutting down possible explanations of something to the one with the least assumptions. In essence it says that simpler solutions are more likely to be correct than complex ones.

In Science Ockham’s Razor is not an absolute rule in the formulation of explanations. But there is wide acceptance that “simpler” is likely to be “better”, and that non-proven assumptions should be kept to an absolute minimum. It is an essential principle to keep in mind when trying to make sense of the complexities of Cosmology.

Working Out Your Own Salvation

This article follows on from the one on Christianity being a Relationship with Jesus rather than a Religion. We continue the analogy with marriage, one which the Bible itself uses in portraying a relationship with Jesus.

In Philippians 2 Paul says to work out our Salvation “with fear and trembling”, but this only half the story. We also know from Scripture that God is first and foremost a God of Love (more accurately, THE God of Love.) In marriage we may correct our behaviour due to a fear of divorce, and given the awesome power of God it is right to fear a “divorce” from Him. However, divorce is only the  worst-case scenario. In marriage, and also with God, most of what we do is done out of love; our love for the other party, and the other party’s love for us. Love is endlessly forgiving, patient and kind. When we goof, God gives another chance. We have no need to fear Him turning His back on us; we do need to fear ourselves turning away from Him.

As with any marriage, there will be plenty of people around who feel they have some interest in it, be they In-laws, friends, even potential adulterers. For the person trying to make the marriage work, it is very important that they connect with the right people: people who will help them through a crisis, rather than take advantage of it; people who genuinely wish to see the new relationship mature and strengthen, rather than insert themselves into it for financial or any other gain. In the same way, new Christians (and old) need to be careful about who they associate with and their motives. As ever, the Bible is the one totally reliable guide.

When Jesus says “The Kingdom of God is within you” it is not some super-spiritual riddle that people need to write books on. It simply means that if you adopt Jesus as your Lord and follow his commands, you are living in His Kingdom, by His rules, not by the rules or conventions of Earthly Kingdoms. It means forgiving, loving, not resorting to or supporting violence, seeing money as something to be spent, saved, or given away rather than just the first two. All of these things, and many others, normally take time to work out. Forgiving those who have hurt and abused us is often a struggle for new Christians. But as converts move on in their understanding and acceptance of God’s love and forgiveness for them personally, things which were previously impossible become possible. It’s a “working out!”

A deeper understanding of truth in all it’s aspects should also be a part of the Christian life. Before conversion, a person may have believed there was no God, or that the Earth is God, or that God is a “Force.” In the UK, belief in evolution as the explanation for how life came to exist is normal.  (See Evolution Page.) Working through these beliefs may take some time. Beyond them are many other issues where people will have simply absorbed the narrative of the mass media in whatever country they happen to live in. The mass media everywhere are linked to government and/or money interests; presenting “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” is not what they strive for! But for a Christian, believing lies means living in deception at some level, so we must search beyond the explanation of things that our particular culture gives us. This too is a part of “working out our Salvation.”

Christians always have a desire for fellowship with other Christians. This is an area where there is likely to be difficulty. Today’s Britain is overwhelmingly secular, and when not secular is mostly Churchgoing, Islamic or Pagan. One or other local church is the natural place to seek fellowship, but it is likely to be  be a source of bad doctrine and/or practice (See So What’s Really Wrong with Church?) For the new Christian the dangers are especially great. Even a long-term convert may find himself enmeshed in Pope worship, Pastor worship, Zionism, Calvinism, hatred of Muslims, militarism, evolution, Political Correctness and so on. All of these are promoted by at least some Churches.

Among the huge variety of Church and Cult teachings perhaps one is universally agreed by all of them: the claim that “You cannot be a Christian alone”. This is totally wrong. No Christian is ever alone. Jesus is always there, even when it doesn’t feel like it. And being without human Christian fellowship is simply an inevitable result of a lack of other Christians locally. No Christian would make do with a Mosque or a Masonic Lodge or a Synagogue for fellowship. Is it any more beneficial to use a Church, given the often extreme errors they espouse?

The fellowship issue calls for a decision from every Christian. That decision must take into account the ability of his personal belief to stay strong in a secular world, away from both real and pseudo-Christianity; also the quality of any particular Church he considers attending; and the likely benefits and risks to himself and others. Benefits and risks to others may include possible benefit of a genuine Christians’ presence for churchgoers in the Church he chooses; or the risk of loss of effective witness to outsiders, who may see him as a willing party to a corrupt religion (since many atheists see the shortcomings of Churches far more clearly than those inside.)

Jesus told the Samaritan Woman who was vexed about where she should worship that no particular place was valid. Worshipping in Spirit and in Truth was what mattered. That phrase can be heavily spiritualised, and even used as a justification for speaking in Tongues. A plain reading suggests worshipping in your Spirit –  that’s inside yourself – and in truth, which may be understood as reality. What you do in and with your life should be real, not faked or pretentious, and always guided by truth. (No pretence of holiness because someone didn’t miss a single prayer meeting this year, and once helped an old lady across the road!)

If there are local Christians to fellowship with there is no need for ritual or buildings or hierarchies. Elders will naturally emerge, as they do in all small societies, being those people with more experience, more knowledge or more wisdom. In the normal course of things, these will indeed be the older people, or at least those who have been Christian for the longest time. Notice that “Elders” is plural. The idea of one man being the “great leader” was fine when the Apostles were still living, as they had an undoubted superiority of understanding. Today, we must discuss together and test ideas against the Bible. This vital interchange and shared responsibility ceases once one person becomes the “great leader”.

This is a very short description of the genuine Christian life. It is short, but it is long enough. Any further detail needed is in the Bible.



Nine Profound Reasons that Darwinian Evolution is Wrong

Darwinian Evolution is fatally flawed.
  1. It contravenes the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
  2. It claims that information on DNA comes about by chance.
  3. It assumes that simple atoms spontaneously combine to make the hyper-complex chemicals of life.
  4. It ignores the “innumerable intermediate forms” missing from the Fossil Record. (Something Darwin himself stated, before “solving” the problem by a leap of blind faith*.)
  5. It ignores the fact that intermediate forms would, by definition, not be the fittest to survive, and would perish if they ever managed to exist.
  6. It denies Irreducible Complexity.
  7. It claims Natural Selection as an original, creative process even though the name tells us it’s merely a Selection Mechanism.
  8. It continues to pretend that Darwin’s “Simple Cell”, which he could only see under a simple light microscope, really is simple, in spite of modern science showing that even just the Proton Engine within the Mitochondria is a masterpiece of nano-engineering.
  9. Unlike proper science, it is not underpinned with precise mathematical formulae.
Evolution theory is a combination of assumptions and notions backed only by purely imaginary reams of evidence. Evidence which nobody can ever quote, always making the excuse that “I’m not a scientist”. Or in the case of a scientist, “I’m not an evolution scientist”. Evolution Theory contributes nothing to real science. Its role is to provide a comfort blanket for atheists, and a platform to attack the Bible and Christianity.

Why is nobody prepared to spend even a few hours out of their entire life to check the truth of the statements above? Laziness? Pride in what they think they already know? Fear of what they will discover? There is no easy way to say this: Darwinian Evolution is the most stupid, convoluted piece of circular argument in the history of philosophy. It is bogus science. Anyone who bases their life on it is committing the worst act of folly imaginable.

Promoting Creation Science is not the main purpose of this site; it exists to expose the Churches as the deceptive surrogate for Christianity they really are. But we provide here plenty of resources for people to research this vital issue. We advise, beg and implore people to thoroughly rethink what they believe.

*See Origin of Species Chapter 6, where Darwin writes “ I believe the answer mainly lies in the record being incomparably less perfect than is generally supposed.”

See also Darwin Exposes Himself and Science Page or Home Page


I wasn’t concerned about building this site in public view as I was sure it wasn’t going to get many visits, if any, while I was building it. But it’s been getting significant visits from day one!

It is also being a much longer job to bring all the physics down to a level that anyone can understand. That is why I said in one of the articles above that people should first review evolution thoroughly. The science there is MUCH easier. Please, please drop me a line on the Contact Page and let me know if you could help with writing accessible articles.

Many thanks,


Science Proves That There is No God? Incorrect!

It is a widely held belief in the UK that science has proved that God doesn’t exist. This is a total fallacy. Here is the reality:

1 “Evolution disproves God”. This is wrong in two respects. First, a Scientific theory is not evidence. Only evidence is evidence. In any case, evolution is full of fatal flaws (see Link 1 at end of article). Second, even if evolution were true, it is possible that God used it in His Creation. (many Christians believe this, albeit incorrectly). Nothing here disproves God.

2 “The Universe is vast and has existed for billions of years”. Neither of these contentions, correct or otherwise, has any relevance to proof for or against God.

3 “God has never been observed in a scientific experiment”. The relevant maxim here is “lack of evidence is not evidence of a lack”. Simply, just because we cannot observe something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. In science, many things are unseen, but accepted because of evidence of what they do. For example, nobody has ever seen an electron; their existence is inferred from the behaviour of atoms and matter. In any case, if there is an Almighty God, He would presumably choose Himself when, where and how he reveals Himself (see Link 2 at end).

4 “If a good God exists, why do bad things happen?” This is a philosophical/religious question; nothing to do with science (Answer at Link 3 below if you need it).

5 “Science simply doesn’t believe in God”. That’s correct, but the reason is an a priori assumption that God doesn’t exist. An a priori or prior assumption is something you know or assume to be true without any research or experience. (See Wikipedia here.) It is most important to realise that this is a prior assumption of science, with zero evidence.

6 “The idea of God is not rational”. That statement is merely an assertion. It is not evidence.

7 “I don’t believe in God”. People believe or do not believe whatever they want. None of it constitutes scientific evidence.

8 “Scientists don’t believe in God”. This is very far from the truth, and even if it were true it would only be a matter of belief, not evidence. Scientists, like everyone else, have other agendas. Prof Richard Dawkins, for example, has a visceral hatred of the God of the Bible, which he proudly proclaims. That is not science. And Dawkins never produces profound scientific evidence for his assertions.

9 “People in the past thought the Earth was Flat”. This is really an assertion that people in the past were stupid and the idea of God arose from their stupidity. Actually, the Greek Eratosthenes not only knew the Earth was a sphere, but calculated its circumference with remarkable accuracy over two hundred years before Christ. It’s true that people in the past had less knowledge than we have today, but they were no less intelligent. The pyramids were not built by idiots! People in the past achieved remarkable things with limited technology demonstrating just how capable they were. However, appeals to past ignorance can sometimes be valid. For example, Darwin’s theory was based in part on his total ignorance of both the complexity of the living cell and Genetics. Appeals to ignorance must always be justified specifically, as in this case.

This article is not dealing with the evidence that God does exist. It’s purpose is to clear the air of the gross misconception that science somehow proves He doesn’t. If you are still not clear on this, and you imagine that there really is scientific evidence disproving God, please state it below. We will add your statement to this article anonymously, together with a clear explanation of why it is not scientific evidence. Find current responses below the form.

Link 1  Darwinian Evolution is Bunk

Link 2 Understanding God

Link 3 If a good God exists, why do bad things happen?

See also Darwin Exposes Himself and Geology – The Rocks Really do Cry Out

(Before making a submission please be sure that you know the difference between true science, which is based upon repeatable experiments, forensic science, and mathematical/theoretical science. If offering evidence for Darwinian Evolution, be sure you know the difference between Darwin’s Molecules to Man evolution and Variation in a Kind, sometimes respectively referred to as macro-evolution and micro-evolution. Everybody, including school textbooks, loves to offer evidence of the latter as evidence for the former. If you can’t think of a solid piece of evidence for Darwin’s theory to offer here, it’s time to stop believing in it.)


Submission 11/08/18.       Evolution of the Horse.  

There is a huge amount of (dis)information on the internet and elsewhere about the supposed evolution of the horse over 55 million years. Evolutionist (Note, Evolutionist, not Creationist) Boyce Rensberger’s statement hits the nail on the head:

The popularly told example of horse evolution, suggesting a gradual sequence of changes from four-toed fox-sized creatures living nearly 50 million years ago to today’s much larger one-toed horse, has long been known to be wrong. Instead of gradual change, fossils of each intermediate species appear fully distinct, persist unchanged, and then become extinct. Transitional forms are unknown.

(My bolding in the above quote.) As with all gradual, alleged evolution, the essential transitional fossils are missing. The alleged transitional fossils are actually distinct species, which themselves lack evidence of their own evolution. It must be remembered that Darwin’s theory involves inorganic molecules gradually changing into men; fuzzy stories about one four-legged mammal turning into another four-legged mammal are very definitely not profound evidence for the first of these propositions. But such invalid evidence is regularly presented as the best there is. The huge amount of information on the web regarding horse evolution makes it clear that it is of great importance in proving evolution. Normally, nobody would put forward weak or flawed evidence in hopes of winning a debate. Evolutionists do it in this case because there is no better evidence. And if the alleged horse evolution is as good as it gets, evolution has around four less legs to stand on than the horse.

A further point is that many of the alleged evolutionary trees, at least in part, show one kind of horse evolving into another. This is simply Variation within a Kind, not Darwinian “one thing changes into something completely different.”

Christianity is NOT Violent.

Christianity is not violent, meaning true Christianity, not the corrupted Church version of it. Jesus commanded love for enemies and stated that the meek shall inherit the Earth. And on the one occasion that He was confronted with a judicial execution, one that was fully legal given the laws at the time, he prevented it. If even judicial execution is not acceptable, what violence can ever be? That’s a very long way from America, the World’s most strongly Christian nation – more accurately the most strongly churched nation –  being also by far the biggest military nation. This is so simple that it should be blindingly obvious to everyone, but hundreds of years of church violence have pulled a veil over the truth. See other articles:

Calvin the “Christian”  Murdering Blasphemer

Westminster Confession of Faith – Violence is Built-in!

Theresa May – “Christian” War Criminal.

The Special Place of the Amish in History.

Is Your Truth Worth Dying For?

Violence in Self-Defence is OK? The Narrative Here Will Give You Second Thoughts.

Wanting to Offend God? Is it better to be Gay or Violent?

Make Love, Not War! But What is Love?

Media and Truth Part Company Over Syria

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