The Great Replacement Theology Conundrum.

Anyone who has moved in church circles for very long will be aware of the drive against Replacement Theology. This campaign is also strong on the internet, with statements such as “Replacement Theology places all the blessings of Israel on the Church and all the curses are given to the ‘Old Israel’.” The odd thing here is that I have no difficulty at all finding Christian Zionists, or Hebrew Roots people, or subscribers to Covenant Theology, (the opposite of Replacement) or churchgoers who simply have a great love or veneration for the Jews. But I don’t think I’ve met anyone who subscribes to anything like this definition of Replacement Theology. So the great campaign against such people seems to be lacking a target. What’s going on?

The Bible, obviously our most reliable source on such matters, is pretty clear. God has always sought to bless Man that He created, and has never swerved from that intention. The fact that at times He has seen fit to pour out some heavy punishment, the greatest example being Noah’s Flood, in no way alters that. Through the Flood He saved Noah and his family for a fresh start. This is how God works. Men may fail, but God always has another strategy to give us another chance. One such strategy was His choice of the Jews to receive His blessings, to be an example to other men, and ultimately to be a channel of Salvation for all men. This strategy was fulfilled in a Jew called Jesus, and proclaimed clearly to the World by another Jew called Saul/Paul. This strategy involved an awesome Salvation for all Men. The letter to Hebrews asks “How shall we escape if we neglect so great a Salvation?” Notice that this is in the letter to the Hebrews. The Gospel was first for the Jew. Only later was it preached also to Gentiles. But the order is less important than the fact that this Salvation was for all  men. And it still is.

At the present time many Jews are opposed to Christianity. This is a temporary situation, as the Bible makes it clear that at some point the Great Salvation in Christ will not merely be available to Jews as now, but will actually be embraced by many or all of them. In the meantime, Christians are the ones shouldering the crucial work of propagating the Gospel. Given the history, it seems probable that it was God’s original plan for the Jews first and foremost to be doing this. Clearly they are not, and in this vital sense at least, currently, they have been replaced by Christians. They are not those preaching the Gospel, but rather potential and greatly desired recipients of it. As already pointed out, God’s intentions, His love for all He created, do not change. He already has a plan. For Christians to comply with it, all that is required is to demonstrate God’s love, search always for truth in everything, and explain the Gospel of Christ wherever possible.

So there is currently a replacement, but not at all in the terms quoted in the first paragraph. And it is very difficult to imagine how any honest student of the Bible could arrive at such a view. Again I ask, why this great campaign against a theology that not only lacks Biblical support, but also seems to lack any actual supporters?

Is there an explanation in the two warnings in Revelation about “those who call themselves Jews, but are not, and are a Synagogue of Satan”. These verses receive very little attention, even though many Christians have a strong sense that we are in the End Times, and Revelation is the very book that focuses most strongly on that subject. Are these warnings passed over because they only refer to people “who call themselves” Jews, making it unclear who they are? In fact there is no lack of clarity: if asked my name, since I’m English, I say “My name is Keith.” If I was French, I would say “Je m’appelle Keith,” which translated word-for-word becomes “I call myself Keith.” If we add here Paul’s discourse in Romans that “he is not a Jew who is one outwardly” we get an even clearer picture. Paul is saying you can “Call yourself a Christian”, “Call yourself a Jew” or “Call yourself whatever you like”, but the truth is in the heart. What anyone calls himself doesn’t matter.

So John, in Revelation, seems to be warning against people who claim to be Jews, which infers godliness, but are not really. Then he adds “but are a synagogue of Satan”. That’s a bit strong, isn’t it? For sure, Jews aren’t Christian, but neither are atheists, nor Muslims, nor Hindus, nor Pagans. What’s the difference here? The difference is that many atheists have some regard for Christ as a “Good Man”. Muslims regard Him as a prophet. Hindus often incorporate Him into their Pantheon of gods. And only last week I just had to speak with a beggar who was sitting on the pavement reading a Red Letter Bible. Her dress and her world-view were deeply Pagan, but she thought Jesus was brilliant. For Observant Jews, on the contrary, He is a liar, an apostate, a sorcerer, a blasphemer. A man, and only a man, truly worthy of crucifixion.

Back to Replacement Theology! Contrasting the great awareness of it generated in churches and on the internet, with the near-invisibility of the statements above from Revelation, does suggest a reason for the hype. The hype deflects attention from what the Bible says, and instead disseminates a belief that provides fertile ground for Christian Zionism. Christian Zionism has massive support in the USA, and therefore also plenty of money to defend and promote it. It may seem desirable to have money behind Christian objectives. But the ultimate aim of Zionism is the Restoration of Animal Sacrifice. All attempts at such a Restoration are a blatant denial of the Sacrifice of Christ. Those attempts will continue until they are successful; and will always include strategies to rally Christians in support, or at least to distract them. Christians have no need of Animal Sacrifice. But Jews, like everyone else, need to hear about, understand, and accept the Great Salvation which is in Jesus. Are they likely to hear that Good News from people who, far from seeing the need to promote the Gospel, venerate the Jews and support their programme to restore Sacrifice in the Third Temple? Is the campaign against Replacement Theology a flank attack on anyone who sees that Jews need the Sacrifice of the Lamb of God, not the sacrifice of sheep?

Only Those Who Truly Believe can Truly Receive

As far as the Gospel is concerned, only those who truly believe can truly receive. There are but limited exceptions to this. One might be the new convert who has felt powerful conviction along with the Love and Grace of Christ, and so is converted even though his head, for the time being, remains full of past baggage, either of the Church variety or the atheist sort. Another could be people of limited mental capacity who cannot understand or express theological matters but have genuinely felt and received the Grace of Christ.

Beyond these examples lies a desert of unconsummated false belief; people who are under the impression that they are Saved through the Gospel, but where unrelenting contrary beliefs deny or belittle the Divinity and Sacrifice of Christ. Among these is a great range, from those who worship Mary; those who depend on the Sunday Service; those who support the restoration of Animal Sacrifice in Jerusalem; those who deny that Jesus was the fulfilment of the Old Testament prophecies or discuss Christianity as “Replacement Theology”; those who hold onto evolution thereby dismissing the true magnificence and power both of God and His Son;  those who rely on their Baptism as an infant; those who follow Calvin’s blasphemous view of Predestination; those who believe Salvation can never be lost, giving freedom to sin. All of these and many more fit Paul’s description of “No Gospel at all” in Galatians. He rightly expresses astonishment at the ease with which people fall for alternative beliefs that marginalise the true Gospel of Christ. There is a most severe warning here to everyone to critically review what they are relying upon. There is but one Gospel, and it is only truly received “by those who truly believe”.


Darwinian Evolution: Quick Guide to Fatal Flaws

Darwinian Evolution is fatally flawed. It contravenes the Second Law of Thermodynamics. It claims that information on DNA comes about by chance. It assumes that simple atoms spontaneously combine to make the hyper-complex chemicals of life. It ignores the “innumerable intermediate forms” missing from the Fossil Record. (Something Darwin himself stated, before “solving” the problem by a leap of blind faith*.) It ignores the fact that intermediate forms would, by definition, not be the fittest to survive, and would perish if they ever managed to exist. It denies Irreducible Complexity. It claims Natural Selection as an original, creative process even though the name tells us it’s merely a Selection Mechanism. It continues to pretend that Darwin’s “Simple Cell”, which he could only see under a simple light microscope, really is simple, in spite of modern science showing that even just the Proton Engine within the Mitochondria is a masterpiece of nano-engineering. Unlike proper science, it is not underpinned with precise mathematical formulae. It is nothing more than a hotchpotch of assumptions and imaginations backed by imaginary reams of evidence. Evidence which nobody can ever quote, always making the excuse that “I’m not a scientist”. Or in the case of a scientist “I’m not an evolution scientist”. Evolution Theory contributes nothing to real science. Its role is to provide a comfort blanket for atheists, and a platform to attack the Bible and Christianity.

Why is nobody prepared to spend even a few hours out of their entire life to check the truth of the statements above? Laziness? Pride in what they think they already know? Fear of what they will discover? There is no easy way to say this: Darwinian Evolution is the most stupid, convoluted piece of circular argument in the history of philosophy. It is bogus science. Anyone who bases their life on it is committing the worst act of folly imaginable.

Promoting Creation Science is not the main purpose of this site; it exists to expose the Churches as the sick surrogate for Christianity they really are. But we provide here plenty of resources for people to research this vital issue. We advise, beg and implore people to thoroughly rethink what they believe.

*See Origin of Species Chapter 6 “ I believe the answer mainly lies in the record being incomparably less perfect than is generally supposed.”

See also Darwin Exposes Himself and Science Page.


Why Does Bad Stuff Happen When There’s a Good God?

Some twenty years ago the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster was asked this question in a TV interview. He waffled about how nobody really knew, and it was a big and legitimate question. I was shocked that a top churchman could be so ignorant. In those days I hadn’t realised that the Churches represent Constantianism, not Christianity. (See the article on Constantine’s Hijack of Christianity if you haven’t already read it.)

The answer is actually very simple. God gave men Free Will. If you haven’t yet read the Freewill and Predestination article, now would be a good time. God also determined to put men in control of the Earth, which is made clear in the very first chapter of Genesis. People may object here that God made men sinful, but that is a belief of Calvinism, so once more refer to the Freewill and Predestination article. Question answered!

However, those who choose to blame God do not give up so easily. Another criticism of Him is that He is in control of everything and nothing happens outside of His Perfect Will. If this were true, we would all be mere puppets. Such a view is nowhere presented in Scripture. God does not determine whether you have fifty-three or fifty-four beans on your toast today. He knows the number, just as He knows how many hairs you have on your head, and He cares. But that is quite different from micro-managing, second by second, every single thing that happens on the Planet. God is in Ultimate Control, not in Immediate control. Compare your control of a car that you chose to lend to a friend.

Even given the explanations above, people often argue that God has the power to stop bad things, but doesn’t. That is partly true. It is an inevitable outcome of his decision to put Man in control on Earth. He not only puts us in control; He also holds us responsible when we abuse the power He gives. All of that is very clear in the Bible, so Christians, at least, should not be arguing about it. The remaining question here is whether He does intervene at times to prevent bad things. Clearly at times He does. In the Flood He wiped out a wicked and violent generation, and through Noah and his family provided Man with a second chance. In sending Jesus, He provided another chance. These things are documented in the Bible. Does He also intervene in undocumented, lesser ways? Many people can point to events in their lives that were so fortuitous that they seem to have been planned. Were those events coincidence, or did God quietly exercise some beneficial control? In this life we will never know. But what is clear is that such interventions cannot alter the general flow of the affairs of Men, for if they did God would be reneging on his decision to give Mankind control.

This leaves the question of suffering caused by disease, wild animals, earthquakes and the like. A proper understanding of the history of our Planet is vital here, something the Churches are singularly useless at providing, since almost all concur with Darwinian Evolution over millions of years. It is necessary to understand how the Flood changed the Planet. If you are not clear, read “The Rocks Really do Cry Out” and spend as much time as you need on the Science Page. Before the Flood, the Earth really was “Very Good”. When people talk of the beauty and wonder of the World God made with reference to the World as it is today, those statements verge on blasphemy. That is because today’s World is merely the wreckage of the Pre-Flood World. The Flood destroyed everything. After it, the way animals survived was different, the climate was altered, and there was a legacy of volcanoes and earthquakes as the re-formed Earth’s crust settled. A process that still continues today. Much of what we suffer now from “Nature” is an ongoing part of the Judgement and Punishment delivered at the Flood.

Even here people will argue that God is not just, that there should be no on-going effects of the Flood. But these things are given to warn us and to make us think. There is little that is more likely to consign a man to pride and the road to Hell than an easy, comfortable life where nothing ever goes wrong. We need adversity to make us think; we need disease to remind us of our mortality; the very last thing we need is great comfort in this life if we are to think seriously about the next.

So why does bad stuff happen? The answer turns out to have several parts to it. That’s not an excuse for it to be beyond the wit of a Catholic Archbishop. Nor an excuse for it to be beyond the wit of anyone else.

Evangelical Really Means Zionist?

The root of the word “Evangelical” is the Greek euangelion meaning “Good News” or “Gospel“. One’s natural assumption therefore is that people described as Evangelical would have a primary interest in the Gospel: a passionate interest in adhering to it, promoting it, and proclaiming it to the unconverted. The reality is that Evangelicals, particularly in America, have been and continue to be the main proponents of Christian Zionism. Thus we may take note that Evangelicals do not have such a great concern with the Gospel at all. And that when America opened its new Embassy in Jerusalem the media talked about how Trump had strengthened his position “among Evangelicals”. Indeed, even though one of the speakers at the Embassy opening was John Hagee, arguably the World’s leading Christian Zionist, the phrase “Christian Zionism” hardly came through in the press reports.

Since Zionism is inextricably connected with the rebuilding of the Jerusalem Temple and restoration of animal sacrifice, it stands in complete contradiction to the Sacrifice of Christ that is central to the Gospel. A lack of enthusiasm for the Gospel is therefore to be expected of Christian Zionists; and using the word “Evangelical” to describe them is a piece of linguistic deception even greater than the equivalence attributed to the words “church” and “christian”.

See also Christian Zionism is a Contradiction in Terms.



You Don’t Understand God? Of Course You Don’t!

It is sometimes said that God moves in mysterious ways. To us His ways must be, since His intelligence, knowledge and power are as far above ours as our own is above a cat. It is mere pride that makes us think we should understand Him perfectly, and the worst kind of pride and rebellion to use that lack of understanding to reject God or His ways.

Do you really understand how the Big Bang is supposed to eventually create Human Beings? Do you know what Gravity is, rather than merely what it does? Do you know how an electron changes from a particle to wave? Do any of these or other shortages of understanding on your part, cause you to reject mainstream science?

The idea that in the 21st Century there is no more mystery is a fallacy. There is no perfect, logical and complete understanding in any world view, scientific or otherwise. The argument that something is invalid because it falls outside of our perfect comprehension is one that could be used against any belief system. Such an argument fails in every case, since it is equivalent to saying, for example, that computers can’t exist because you don’t know how they work. The fact that this argument is most often used against Christianity is a sign of the times; the thing to know is that it is just as defective when used against Christianity as when used against any other belief.  

“Church” is a Mistranslation.

People frequently discuss which are the better Bible translations. There is a significant group that holds to the Authorised Version as the best. It may well be, but even the Authorised Version, also known as King James Version or KJV, has a dire mistranslation that almost all other versions have followed.

The issue here is the word “Church”, which is used to translate the Greek word ecclesia. The meanings are not the same. Ecclesia only has the sense of a group of people with a common purpose. It can even refer to a rioting mob. There is no sense of hierarchy, buildings, rituals, connection with state power and the like which are associated strongly with the word “Church”. Significantly, William Tyndale, who burned at the stake for his groundbreaking Bible translation, translated ecclesia as “congregation”, emphasising, particularly in the language of the day, a group of people. But when King Jame’s authorised a translation for use in English Churches the translators were not given a choice about the word “Church”. The King insisted, indeed commanded. Perhaps the most important thing to remember about the KJV is that it was a deeply political publication, and can only be called “Authorised” because it was authorised by the King, the Head of State, not by any group of Christians. The saving grace for the KJV is that it was heavily based upon Tyndale’s translation, and Tyndale was not in the game for personal advantage or power. He always knew his life was on the line, and had no interest other than accuracy.

Sometimes in the Greek New Testament ecclesia is clarified as ecclesia theon, meaning “People of God”. The sense here of people who come together in fellowship, because of a common commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ, is almost entirely lost in the word “Church” today. But the Churches find it very convenient, to say the least, in maintaining the idea that Christianity and Church are one and the same.

All Geologists Know that Fossil Formation is VERY FAST . . . .

Forty years after University, most of us don’t remember much detail from our lectures. But for me one memory has stuck fast to this day. Like everyone, I was taught Uniformitarian Geology. This is standard, mainstream geology, which says that everything happens very, very slowly over millions of years. As an atheist at that time I had absolutely no reason to doubt it, and it was never mentioned that there has always been an alternative view of geological processes.

One day, in a lecture, the speaker said “The very odd thing is that fossil formation is extremely rapid!” There was no lead-up to this statement, and I sat bolt upright in my seat waiting for what would come next. I’ve always loved learning, and had a half-formed theory that we only really learn when we are surprised; everything else is just more (boring) detail on the framework of what we already know. However, my excitement was short lived, as the lecturer went back to whatever else he was saying, leaving his statement hanging in the air. He wasn’t the sort of man you addressed questions to, so the statement got firmly lodged in my brain, awaiting an explanation.

The explanation is actually rather obvious. Millions of creatures die every day, but they don’t get fossilised. They rot. In order to be become a fossil, an organism must be killed and preserved instantly. This normally involves some kind of catastrophic burial in water and sediment, or volcanic ash. And this process provides the name of the alternative to Uniformitarianism: Catastrophism; a name and a way of thinking that was kept hidden from us at University. What lay behind that lecturer’s sudden, solitary comment? A lapse of concentration? Guilt?

Among the fossils, the most stunning manifestations of catastrophic burial are the “Death Pose Dinosaurs”:

They are found in many parts of the World, and show the classic, gasping, arched-back pose due to lack of oxygen. This pose would not be maintained for long, as death would shortly intervene and the muscles would then relax. The envelopment of these animals that made preservation possible must have been virtually instant. For other fossils, the vast majority of which are marine species, the simple fact of their preservation demonstrates rapid burial and preservation.

If fossils are formed instantly, clearly the rocks in which they are fossilised must also be formed instantly/catastrophically. One can at least understand why the lecturer did not want to delve into an “anomaly” that disproved his entire Uniformitarian Theory!

See also Failed Cup of Coffee Shows Crucial Dynamic in Geology.

Westminster Confession of Faith – Violence is Built-in!

I was first alerted to the corrupting nature of the Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF) when planning a series of Church talks on Creation. At some point during the planning I was asked if I accepted the WCF. My reply was that I had never read it, was unlikely to do so due to its length, and took the Bible, which I had read cover to cover, as the ultimate Authority for Christians. I was accused of being a heretic and the Creation talks never took place.

At the time I was unaware of just how long the WCF was. With all the included proof texts, it’s the thick end of one hundred thousand words. The Bible is seven hundred and fifty thousand, so to read the WCF is a significant effort, at least bearing some comparison with reading the Bible itself right through. The difference is that the Bible is the Authority, while the WCF is just one more post-Biblical writing which lacks the Authority of Scripture. Would not reading the Scripture itself be an obviously better use of time? And why would people want to pin their faith on the WCF rather than Scripture?

It gets worse. WCF is a thoroughly Calvinist document, and as explained elsewhere on this site Calvinism is actually blasphemy. See Predestination 101. Further to that, as you will see below, the WCF was written as a legal document, and legal documents need to be read with great care. Even an experienced solicitor would baulk at digesting a legal document of that length. Does anybody really know what they are signing up to when they subscribe to the Westminster Confession of Faith?

Finally, here’s the killer. The WCF was drawn up during the English Civil War. Cromwell was fighting against the King in England, and the Calvinist Covenanters in Scotland were literally up in arms as well. An alliance between the two was a natural outcome, but since these wars were largely about doctrine, Cromwell and the Covenanters needed a doctrinal basis for their military alliance.  The WCF was created to provide that basis. This means that whatever the Confession says or doesn’t say about the use of violence is irrelevant; the reason for its creation means it has violence built in.

It’s interesting also that the one hundred and fifty or so “Divines” who wrote the Confession, supposedly after a most thorough searching of the Scripture, do not appear to have noticed the requirement to love, and specifically to love enemies, in the New Testament; nor the many pointers in the Old Testament to the utter foolishness of killing the King. Something Cromwell and his associates went on to do in the most premeditated fashion.

The best part of the WCF is perhaps its title. Westminster is the epicentre of politics and power in England. The Confession is not called the Christian Confession of Faith, but the Westminster Confession of Faith. Quite appropriate.

Why We Don’t Normally Give Chapter and Verse Bible References

The Bible is a book, and the normal way to read a book is to start at the beginning and read through to the end. The Bible also needs to be read in this way. Constant quoting of chapters and verses very easily leads to a habit of reading only small parts of the Bible, often inevitably out of context, and also of building doctrine on just a few verses chosen from the full seven hundred and fifty thousand words of Scripture. We believe this to be dangerous. Any truly Biblical belief must conform with the whole of Scripture, and it is not possible to have a sense of whether any particular belief does unless one has actually read the whole of Scripture at least several times. It is important also that this reading does not use some “guided” scheme, unless it’s a straightforward Read in a Year Bible that takes you through the Old and New Testaments over 365 days. Other schemes may have their own notes or bias, which is exactly what you should be seeking to avoid.

It might be that we could convince more people of what is said on this site if we quoted chapter and verse fully. But anyone who followed this site on that account would actually be following this site rather than the Bible. That would be foolish as this site is yet another post-biblical source which, like all others, lacks the Authority of Scripture. Reading the whole Bible is vital, and we do not believe that anyone who has not read it, or is not in the process of reading it fully for themselves, is ever likely to arrive at a proper understanding. We therefore discourage the looking up of particular verses unless it is accompanied by full reading, and affirm full reading as the more important of the two.